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How to relax our mind during hard times

How to relax our mind during hard times

Every one of us has experienced hard times at some point in our life. Whether it’s with family, friends, work or ourselves, we all struggle to find balance in our lives sometimes. There are days when we feel overburdened by the stress that life throws at us and it can be hard to let off steam. It can also be difficult to find calm when we are in the midst of chaos.

Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose for deep meditation

Most yoga practitioners, even the most beginners, know the Warrior Pose, or Virabhadrasana. In any of its three main variations, it is an excellent pose for strengthening legs and arms simultaneously. This is why they are a common sequence in yoga classes of all kinds. However, what you may not know is the story behind this asana, which is rooted in a myth from the Hindu tradition.

Trikonasana for meditation: the extended triangle pose

Within the world of Trikonasana, there are some variations. All of them offer many benefits for the body and, in addition, to its variations, we can find it as ideal for both initial and advanced yoga practitioners. It is a pose that offers balance and flexibility and a beautiful connection of breath and body. This time we will focus on the triangle pose and the extended triangle, the traditional figures of Trikonasana.