Flying for 20 hours might seem like a daunting task, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can be a much more enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or embarking on your first long-haul flight, these practical tips and tricks will help you survive and even make the most of your extended time in the air. This content is presented by

Packing Essentials for Comfort and Convenience

Choose the Right Carry-On Luggage

Packing light is essential for a long flight. Opt for a carry-on bag that is spacious enough to fit your essentials, but also easy to handle and stow in the overhead compartment.

Comfortable Clothing is Key

Wearing comfortable and breathable clothing can make a significant difference during a long flight. Choose loose-fitting attire made from soft fabrics to ensure you stay cozy throughout the long plane trip.

Stay Hydrated

Bring a reusable water bottle and refill it whenever possible. Staying hydrated is crucial to combat the dry cabin air and reduce the risk of jet lag.

Pack Entertainment

Load up your tablet, e-reader, or smartphone with your favorite movies, TV shows, and books. Entertainment will keep you engaged during the flight and make time fly by.

Staying Comfortable on the Flight

Seat Selection Matters

If possible, choose your seat in advance. Aim for an aisle or window seat for extra legroom or easier access to the restroom.

Stretch Regularly

Perform simple stretching exercises in your seat to improve blood circulation and prevent muscle stiffness. Also, take short walks down the aisle when the seatbelt sign is off.

Dress in Layers

Airplane temperatures can fluctuate, so dressing in layers allows you to adjust your clothing according to your comfort level.

Use Travel Accessories

Consider bringing travel essentials like neck pillows, eye masks, and noise-canceling headphones to make your journey more relaxing.

Eating and Drinking Right

Eat Light and Healthy

Opt for light and nutritious meals during the flight to avoid feeling bloated or sluggish.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol and Caffeine

While it’s tempting to indulge in a glass of wine or cup of coffee, these beverages can dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep.

Strategies for Restful Sleep

Create a Sleep-Friendly EnvironmentHow to Survive a 20-Hour Flight

Use a sleep mask and earplugs to block out light and noise. You can also play soothing music or white noise to help you doze off.

Adopt a Sleep Schedule

Try to align your sleep schedule with your destination’s time zone before the flight. This will ease the adjustment once you arrive.

Skip the Screens Before Bed

Avoid screens at least an hour before you plan to sleep. The blue light can interfere with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Beating Boredom and Anxiety

Engage in In-Flight Activities

Take advantage of the in-flight entertainment system, read books, do crossword puzzles, or even strike up a conversation with fellow passengers.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

If you’re feeling anxious during the flight, try mindfulness or meditation exercises to calm your mind.

After Landing – Dealing with Jet Lag

Get Sunlight Exposure

Upon arrival, spend time outdoors to help reset your internal clock and combat jet lag.

Stay Awake Until Bedtime

Resist the temptation to take a long nap immediately after arriving. Stay awake until your destination’s bedtime to adjust quickly.


A 20-hour flight can be challenging, but by following these tips, you can make it a more pleasant experience. Remember to pack smart, stay comfortable, eat and drink wisely, prioritize restful sleep, and find ways to beat boredom and anxiety. Once you arrive at your destination, tackle jet lag with the right strategies to make the most of your journey.


Is it safe to sleep during a long flight?

Yes, it’s safe to sleep during a long flight. In fact, getting rest is essential to help your body cope with the extended travel time.

What should I do if I can’t sleep on the plane?

If you have trouble sleeping, try relaxation techniques or use sleep aids sparingly, but consult a doctor before doing so.

Can I bring my own snacks on the flight?

Yes, you can bring your snacks, as long as they comply with airport security regulations.

How can I prevent my ears from popping during take-off and landing?

Chewing gum or swallowing can help equalize pressure in your ears.

Are long layovers advisable for such long flights?

Long layovers can be helpful for breaking up the journey and giving you time to rest, but it’s essential to balance this with your overall travel time.